Trick or Treating Safety

Trick or Treating isn't what it use to be.  Unfortunately we need to keep a more watchful eye on things going on around us in order to keep our kiddos safe and protected.  Here are just a few things to make for a more enjoyable and safe evening.

  1. Talk to your kids first about staying with you and not running off or out into the street.  Sometimes setting those little reminders can have a big pay off in the evening festivities.  Also remind your kids to say thank you when they are given the candy at the neighbor's door. 
  2. Plan a route or go to a few family or friends houses to trick or treat at
  3. Wear comfy shoes.  These nights can be long for all involved so make sure you've got your walking shoes on
  4. Make sure your child's costume is not to long so they don't trip on it going from house to house
  5. Avoid masks.  Kids have a difficult time seeing through them and could cause them to trip.
  6. Check your child's candy before they want to eat it.  Through away any candy that the wrapper is partially opened or has any holes in it. Also, sorry to say this as well, but it's probably best to throw away any home baked goodies unless you know who has given them to your child.  You never know what someone could of put in them to cause harm to your little one.
Another idea is to take your children to a sponsored event with games, treats and candy.  My kids always enjoyed Fall Fest at NorthCreek Church on Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek.  Great time for all.


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